Friday 9 March 2012

トーマス・ベッド:これで寝るじゃないかな?Thomas the Tank Engine bed and a better night's sleep?

最近息子のトーマスのベッドをかった。1歳から4歳ようのtoddler bedです。すごい素敵な色と絵で、木でできて、丈夫な子供ベッドです。喜んでこのベッドに入って、トーマスとパーシーとジェームズにお休みを言いながら、寝るようになる。子供が20kgまで使える。 We bought our son a toddler bed recently.
It's a colourful wooden bed with Thomas the Tank Engine designs. He absolutely loves it. He even sleeps better in it!! I think it distracts him away from me at night time. We say goodnight to the engines, James, Thomas and Percy over and over again until he calms down and gets ready to sleep.

It's a nice compact size and can be used from 18 months until 4 years of age or around 20 kg.

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