Tuesday 27 September 2011

Bilingual kids at my primary school

I've been working as a Teaching Assistant at a primary school for 3 weeks now.
At my school there are children from  lots of different backgrounds...English, European, Pakistani, Carribean. They are encouraged to use their languages in the morning and afternoon register, calling out "Good morning!" or "Good afternoon!" in their own languages. Even children who are English but are familiar with another language use what they know too. It makes everyone's background feel appreciated and included.

In my class we are helping a foreign girl who has few English skills. She is older than the rest of my class, but by playing with other kids and studying basic phonics and math, we hope she can pick up some English. I'm interested in how she will go on.

三週間経って、小学校で働いている私。その小学生は色んな違う素性がいる。イギリス、ヨーロッパ、パキスタン、 とかカリビアン。先生が朝と午後の登緑で生徒の言葉でおはようございます!とかこんにちわ!を言わせる。 あるイギリス人の子供達もちょっとだけでも知っている言葉を使って、たとえばドイツ語で、"Gutten Morgen", "GuttenTag"を言ったりする。みんなの文化と言葉が学校で大事をしているのはすごく感じる。


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