Sunday 11 September 2011

The power of her peers!! 子供同士の力

Just after one week of being at nursery in the U.K....
My little girl can sing the whole of the nursery rhyme, Baa, Baa Black Sheep!!!
And she starts to play and talk in English too. She even says things in English that her daddy cannot catch.  He's going to have to do some studying to keep up with her in the future!!! It just goes to show how much language develops when surrounded by friends of her own age at nursery.
She is free to move from room to room at her nursery. Each area of the room has a theme, such as water and sand play, painting, a pretend house, computer corner and playdough and so on. There is also a good-sized playground with toys outside, as well as a small garden with apple trees and flowers. She has a nursery journal,called a Learning Jornal, which the staff update with my daughter's photos, drawings, and achievements.

My little boy is also starting to talk. He has the most beautiful, "Yes".

こどもの遊び歌、”Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" を全部歌えるようになった。
そして遊びながら、英語で自分に喋ったりする。 たまにお父さんが何を言っているか分からないだって。娘に残さないように、彼も英語を勉強しなくっちゃ!幼稚園の同級生のは言葉の力になるですね。


Anonymous said...

This is an intersting post. Here are some other methods you can use to raise a bilingual child

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! Your post on methods to raise bilingual children is also very interesting. I will use them!!