Thursday, 17 February 2011

Great books for little ones: Kipper the Dog and Maisy the Mouse

I teach rhythmic English classes to Japanese toddlers. We play with balls, practice tidying up, sing songs, do crafts and have story time.
I often think it needs a bit of care choosing books for non-English speakers. It's very important to choose colourful, eye catching books with pictures that tell the story. Often there is a whole lot of reading to do with just one picture on the page. It cant hold kids' attention for too long at the toddler age. And at this age, I think the same is true for English speaking kids. See the picture, understand the situation, hear words that repeat what they see. Of course a good storyteller can also add questions, make noises and embellish on the text as much as he likes.
Today we read Kipper in the Snow, part of the Kipper the Dog series. It's aimed at 3-5 year olds although I think they are fine for 2 year olds too. The pictures are clear and tell the story. It's a great book for teaching about weather and winter activities. I really like all the books from this series. It's also a tv series too, and can be found on DVD. We also used Maisy's Weather book for the older kids today. This has lovely pop up parts and spinning parts to change the pictures. Really great for showing what activities are done in different kinds of weather.

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