Saturday, 19 February 2011

Educational baby and toddler DVDs

The very first DVDs we watched with our then pre-toddler were from the Baby Einstein series. One was based on music and the other on animals. The music DVD is for very small children and very relaxing, so it's quite nice to watch when mummy is feeling a bit tired too. When my daughter was around one she loved the animal DVD, getting very excited at the animal puppets. They were quite a hit with our little girl and still now she will put them on to watch.

We also enjoyed Elmo's World together. I liked this for the simple theme of each show, the multi-racial kids and the quick change of imagery: going from shots of kids real life, Elmo the puppet, animated scenes and the goofy Noodle Brothers. We used to watch these DVDs daily when she was a toddler.

Another favorite is Maisy Mouse, both on DVD and in book form. Maisy's DVDs are based on the books and have the same bold colours, simple pictures and easy language that children love. However with the DVDs you also get songs for kids (and parents) to sing along to!!

All of these DVDs are very colourful, exciting and easily understood for young children, both English speaking and non-English speaking.

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