Thursday, 3 March 2011

Girls' Day and a big day for us!!

Today is Girls' Day. In Japan, many mothers get out their emperor and empress doll sets and display them in their houses. The expensive ones can include the whole royal entourage of servants musicians cooks and the like. They are placed on a staircase with the happy couple at the top. We just have a china set of the emperor and empress. Anyway it's a day when girls are celebrated and mothers wish for a the safety of their children. Dolls have to be put back after the 4th or it means a late marriage for their daughters! We ate a lovely pink sponge cake decorated with the emperor and empress for dessert today.

And for our family, this day is the day my husband submitted his papers for his U.K. spouse visa application. Now we have to wait for anything between 3 weeks and 2 months to hear a reply. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Check out his diary in Japanese at:

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