Saturday, 30 April 2011

本棚を赤ちゃんの手届く場所に・ A bookcase for your little one

モンッテソーリのアイデアの一つ。自分の家をちょっとだけでもモンッテソーリ環境を作ってみませんか? 子供の絵本を大人と同じ本棚に入れる事。子供の手が届く位置に置いて、そしていつでも、自分のしたい時に、本を出したり、読んだり出来ます。

A bookcase for the little ones: One of Montessori's ideas. This is an easy way to make a part of your house a prepared environment in the Montessori Way. Designate a space on your bookshelf for your baby's books, and make it within his or her reach. Then your baby can take a book and read whenever he or she fancies.

In the same way, you can put magnetic letters on your fridge for your older child to play with whenever she or he desires. You can start out making faces and playing with them. Then you can progress to talking about the letter sounds and perhaps spelling out your child's name or those of family members.

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