Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Tiny Boppers 外国の子供絵本とCD

最後の英語のリズミック・クラスでTiny Boppersという本を読んでました。
Tiny Boppersと一緒に体を動かして、とても楽しかった。

同じようの本, 'The Beautiful Butterfly'もちょっと前にクラスで使いました。

In my last rhythmic class we read the book, 'Tiny Boppers'. This book is really cute, and teaches 1-10 whilst moving your body to the different actions of the Tiny Boppers. There's a CD included, so you can sing at home too.
We had a lot of fun dancing with the Tiny Boppers.

A while back, we also used a similar book, 'The Beautiful Butterfly'、in our class. It has the same lovely pictures and CD included.

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