Saturday, 16 April 2011

アルファベットを楽しく習う / Fun with the alphabet

二歳半の娘は最近アルファベットに興味を持っています。実際に、最初はひらがなに興味を表していました。ある家族のメンバーの名前の始まりをひらがなの本で探していました。アルファベットを同じようにしようと思いました。Mmmm Millie, Mmmmm mummy、Dddd daddy とOoo Ollieを教えてあげました。
そして、小さな素晴らしい絵本を持っています。Wee Sing and Learn ABC, と言います。可愛い動物さんが楽器を弾いています。たまたま "O" には、弟と同じ名前、オリバーになっています:Ollie the owl plays the oboe.

Learning the alphabet

Recently our daughter is interested in the alphabet. Actually she was first interested in the basic Japanese writing form, Hiragana. She could recognize some letter forms by matching them with names of family members. So I tried the same thing with the alphabet and taught her Mmm Millie, Mmm mummy, Dddd daddy along with other family members names.
We also have a super little book called, Wee Sing and Learn ABC, and it has lovely pictures of animals playing various instruments for each letter of the alphabet. Luckily enough, O is for Ollie the owl who plays the oboe!! Ollie is her brother's name so she just loves finding Ollie in the book. I keep this book, along with her hiragana book, in her bedroom, so that at night she reaches for one or the other.
She has also started to point to and name the ABC pictures on our fridge by herself. It really goes to show that Montessori's "prepared environment" really works.
At the moment our daughter speaks Japanese very well. Right now we are at grandma's and grandad's, so she hears and uses Japanese a lot. It's really coming on. We can have little conversations about things. I'm not too worried about not using English so much as from next month everything around her will all be in English. I hope the big change will be an interesting one for her.

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