Monday, 28 February 2011

Today's English game: tic tac toe

We often play Tic Tac Toe in our English class. Using the flashcards you want to teach, lay out a square made of 3x3 cards. Turn the cards over so that students don't know what the card is. Make two teams and give each team it's own set of counters or tiddlywinks. Then students decide who goes first. The first student drops the counter onto the card he wants. If he misses, you can decide how many chances he can have to try again. He turns over the card. The opposing team can ask a question about the card and the student answers. The game continues like this until one team has got a row of 3 counters horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
If the game goes to a stalemate, then you can have the students challenge each other for a card playing rock, paper, scissors. It's lots of fun and gets students talking using questions and answers!!

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